5 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart disease causes about 610,000 deaths every year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You are more likely to develop heart disease if you have a family history of the disease, are obese, smoke cigarettes or have high blood pressure. Making a few lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of heart disease. Here are five effective ways to keep your heart healthy: Change Your Diet

Things Are Heating Up: 3 Tips For Protecting Your Kid's Skin This Summer

Summer is almost here. If you have kids, they'll be heading outside to play. Now's the time to start planning for their skin protection. According to research, just one blistering sunburn suffered in childhood doubles the risk of developing skin cancer late in life. You can protect your child now – and in the future – by protecting their skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Here are three steps that you should follow whenever your kids go outside.

Why You Need Vitamin D

If you are confused about vitamin D, you are not the only one. Studies show that 42% of the US population is suffering from low levels of vitamin D, an essential vitamin for your health. Some of this deficiency may be caused by simply not getting enough sunlight on your skin. Of course, many people avoid exposure to the sun in order to protect themselves from skin cancer. Fortunately, you can get enough vitamin D without harming your skin by choosing from several methods.

Constraint-Induced Therapy As A Rehab For Aphasia

When a person suffers from a stroke, multiple aspects of their personality can be affected. One of the most common of these problems is the impact it has on their communication. This problem, known as aphasia, can be treated in multiple ways, including constraint-induced therapy. The following information can help give you a guideline on this unique rehab therapy. Understanding Aphasia's Impact Aphasia occurs in stroke victims when the language area of their brains has been damaged.

Assisted Living Centers: The Workers Behind The Scenes

If you have an elderly loved one currently residing in an assisted living center, you're probably most familiar with the on-site nurses, front desk staff, and visiting doctors. These people are on the front lines when it comes to caring for and helping residents. But in order for an assisted living facility to function optimally, there are several other types of employees working hard behind the scenes that you may not realize.