Signs That Can Suggest You Have Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition that affects many people. Some individuals contend with this issue for prolonged periods, while others encounter it for shorter durations — for example, while pregnant. It's important to be able to identify the signs that you could have acid reflux. Doing so will encourage you to find a local medical professional who can help you manage this condition so that it doesn't continue to negatively impact your quality of life. The following are some common signs that can often be indicative of acid reflux.

Food Regurgitation

A common symptom of acid reflux is the regurgitation of food from your stomach. This is an unpleasant issue that can happen several times a day, particularly after you eat. You'll have a burp-like feeling, but instead of the burp simply being air, some of the food that you've recently eaten can come back up into your mouth. The taste will be highly unpleasant, as the food will be combined with your stomach acid. Some people attempt to immediately re-swallow the food, while others spit it out. Regardless of how you react, this unpleasant issue is a common sign of acid reflux.

Hoarse Voice

Acid reflux can also cause you to have a hoarse voice, which results from the irritation that your stomach acid causes as you regurgitate your food. If you're repeatedly regurgitating, you can experience significant changes in the sound of your voice. You might notice that your voice sounds a little rougher than it used to, and may even have family members or friends commenting on your voice and asking if you're perhaps under the weather. Your throat may also have a sore feeling that may be consistent with how it feels when you have a cough.

Bad Breath

It's also common to experience bad breath as a result of your acid reflux. The food contents that you regurgitate have not only an unpleasant taste but also an unpleasant odor. Even if they don't remain in your mouth for long, they can leave behind bacteria that affect the smell of your breath. Some people don't always notice that their breath is unpleasant; often, a loved one may offer a gentle suggestion that you may wish to chew some gum. While brushing your teeth or using mouthwash after a regurgitation episode may help, you should seek help from a medical professional to address the root cause of this condition.

To learn more about acid reflux, contact a provider near you.
