3 Ways Your Primary Care Physician Can Help You Manage Your Chronic Pain without Opiates

If you suffer from chronic pain, it is important to remember that you may be able to manage your pain with the assistance of your primary care physician. It is important to remember that pain can often be treated in ways that are not associated with the same risks as opiates. If you cannot stand living with your chronic pain any longer, it is a good idea to discuss the following options with your primary care physician.

#1-Your Physician Can Treat the Anxiety, Depression, or Insomnia That Could Be Contributing to Your Pain

It is easy to forget that chronic pain can often be triggered or worsened by an underlying problem such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to sleep when you are in pain, and it only makes sense that your physical response to anxiety or depression can result in pain. Pain is a common symptom of numerous anxiety disorders.

Therefore, you could find that your primary care physician, or PCP, suggests the use of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications. When depression and anxiety symptoms are minimized, your chronic pain may diminish as well.

#2-Your PCP Can Suggest Ways for You to Reduce the Stress on Your Body

Another important option to discuss with your primary care physician should be ways for you to reduce the stress on your body. For example, reducing stress could be as basic as stopping smoking or losing a few pounds. Alternatively, it could be that changing your diet or the way that you exercise could reduce the amount of pain that you live with.

It is important to note that seeing a nutritionist might be useful if you plan on making any major changes to your diet. However, your primary care physician can certainly provide recommendations as to the recently revamped food pyramid or specific dietary goals.

#3-Discuss Your Medications from Other Sources with You to Prevent Interactions

A third consideration may be the medications, herbs, or vitamins that you currently take. If you get medications from more than one doctor or occasionally use multiple pharmacies, it is possible that you could be causing a problem unknowingly. That is due to the fact that some medications can cancel one another out or make the side effects of one drug worse.

Therefore, it is worth your time to sit down with your PCP to make sure that you are on appropriate doses of the right medications for all of your medical needs.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that chronic pain can significantly impact your quality of life and your ability to carry on your typical daily activities. Fortunately, your primary care physician can work with you to implement one or more of the above options to help you to safely manage your chronic pain.
