Three Important Symptoms That Could Reveal Your Child Has Hearing Loss

Although the prevalence of hearing loss increases with age, it's important to avoid dismissing this issue as something that exclusively affects senior citizens. The reality is that many children suffer from varying degree of hearing loss. Perhaps most concerning is that eight percent of Americans with severe hearing loss are younger than 18. A child who cannot hear clearly is at risk of falling behind at school, which can have serious repercussions for years to come. Out of embarrassment, your child might not let you know if he or she is struggling to hear. Therefore, it's important to watch for these three symptoms and visit a hearing specialist if they're prevalent.

Child Has Changed Social Habits

It's important to note that a child who changes his or her social habits can do so for a variety of reasons that don't necessarily relate to hearing loss. However, if you're aware that your child formerly spent plenty of time hanging out with friends and is now spending more time alone, it could be because of hearing difficulties. If the child has trouble following conversations and answering appropriately, he or she might feel reluctant to be in environments that are noisy, for example. A change in social habits shouldn't warrant an immediate visit to a hearing specialist, but it's something to watch for – especially if you're seeing other signs of hearing loss.

Child Frequently Asks For Clarification

A child who seems to suddenly be asking for clarification during conversations might be experiencing some degree of hearing loss. If you found that your child previously heard your instructions and rarely asked follow-up questions but is now asking you to repeat yourself, it could be a cause for concern. It's useful to evaluate how your child interacts with others, too. This issue might be more apparent when you overhear your child speaking on the phone, given that some people with hearing loss find phone conversations to be particularly challenging.

Child Listens To Things At Higher Volume

Many children with healthy hearing will crank up the volume on their stereo, but look for signs that your child has begun to listen to electronic devices at a volume that seems suspiciously high. For example, it's one thing to listen to loud music, but if the child is watching a sitcom with the volume turned louder than seems necessary, it could be a symptom of hearing loss. One or two volume-related instances don't necessarily mean your child has hearing issues; watch for consistency in this regard.

For more information about warning signs of hearing loss, contact a company like Hearing Health Clinic.
