Four Questions You May Have During Your First Week With Contacts

When your optometrist first sent you home with your contact lenses, he or she probably asked if you had any questions. If you're like most patients, you couldn't think of any questions at the time, but after wearing your contacts for a few days, a few have come to mind. Here's a look at several questions you might have during your first week with contact lenses, and their answers.

Is it normal for your eyes to start feeling dry and itchy in the middle of the day?

When you first start wearing contacts, it is not unusual for your eyes to get a bit dry in the middle of the day. The contacts absorb moisture from your eyes. Over time, your eyes will learn to make new moisture to compensate, but during these first few weeks, you may have to help them out a little. Carry some moistening eye drops made specifically for contact lens wearers, and put them in your eyes when they start to feel a bit scratchy. You can also carry your case with you, and just take your contacts out (and switch to glasses) when they feel uncomfortable.

Why does it take so many tries to get the contact to "stick" to the eye when inserting it?

If you're having this problem, chances are your contacts are too dry. Adding a little drop of contact solution to the inside of the contact before inserting it in your eye will help it stick more readily.

Why does your vision start to get a little blurry after a few hours of wearing contacts?

This is yet another problem caused by dryness. Put some eye drops into your eyes, and it should subside.

Why do your contacts sometimes burn and itch when you first put them in, causing you to have to take them out again?

There are several possible reasons why this may be happening to you. First, make sure you're not putting your contacts in inside-out. When you look at the contact on your finger, the edges should curve inwards. If they curve outwards, you need to flip the contact right-side-out, or else it will irritate your eye. The other possibility is that you're allergic or sensitive to your contact solution. Try switching to a different brand, and contact your eye doctor if things don't improve.

If you have any additional questions about your contacts, don't hesitate to contact your eye doctor. He or she is your best source of information when it comes to deciding what is normal and what is not in terms of your contacts.
