5 Signs Your Newborn Is Ill

The last thing you want to see in your newborn baby is a sign of an illness, but you also need to pay close attention to the signs. This lets you know when they are dealing with a normal baby incident or something that might signal a more serious problem. Here are some signs that your newborn might be ill.

Your Baby Has a Fever

One of the first things you should do when you suspect your baby is ill is take their temperature. For a newborn, a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is a good reason to get medical advice. Call your baby's doctor if their rectal temperature is higher than 100.4. Since a fever is often the way a body fights off infection, you want to make sure your baby doesn't have any serious illnesses.

Their Bowel Movements Have Changed Dramatically

While a newborn's bowel movements are not always consistent, a dramatic change is something to bring up with your pediatrician. If they suddenly have much more frequent bowel movements, or the consistency is noticeably more watery, it is possible that your baby has a gastrointestinal illness that needs to be treated. When a newborn's stools are more like diarrhea, they might be experiencing stomach issues.

You Notice Signs of Dehydration

If your newborn gets too dehydrated, they need to be brought into urgent care right away. Some common signs of dehydration are dry mouth and gums, a soft spot that seems to be sinking slightly, and not seeing tears when they cry. You might also notice that they have less frequent wet diapers, even though they are eating as much as before. These are all things to look for when you suspect dehydration.

Your Baby is Vomiting

Vomiting is different from spitting up, so it is important to know the difference. With spitting up, it is usually a small amount and you can see that it is just breast milk or formula. However, vomiting is a larger amount and might include signs of bile. This increases your baby' risk of dehydration and there is a risk of them choking on the vomit or inhaling it. All vomiting should be reported to your doctor.

They Are Having Trouble Breathing

Finally, pay attention to the possible signs of breathing difficulties. If your baby's lips, tongue or skin is blue, go to the emergency room immediately or call an ambulance. Other signs of breathing problems include breathing that becomes rapid, grunting while exhaling, and bobbing their head.

Talk to the baby's doctor if you have more concerns about proper newborn care.
